Who We Are
This is the permanent Format team but we tend to be a bit larger on a day-by-day basis through a wide network of friends and collaborators who join us based on the specific demands of individual projects. This includes interns, academic researchers and experts based around the world.
About Us
We are Engineering Designers with backgrounds in structural engineering, coding, mathematics and architecture. Our role is to apply intellectual rigour and imagination to structural design in architecture and beyond that into the fields of art, industrial design and science.
We exploit digital technology as a creative and productive tool and carry out original research into the application of computational design techniques thus making our designs appropriate, lean, unique and beautiful.
Our experience has been gained on projects as diverse as art installations in New York to a museum in Spain via temporary pavilions in London and Milan. We are an Engineering studio that believes that Structural design can go beyond the narrow confines of convention and is a natural starting point for collaboration in data driven design, product design, art, architecture and science.
We want to develop and apply digital tools to evolve practical solutions for the built environment. Our designs are not abstract they are real.
This reality means we are as interested in the process of production as we are generation.
The projects on our website are a small selection of the buildings, art installations and product designs we have fortunate to work on as Format and prior to that for Whitbybird/Ramboll UK
Contact Us
The easiest way to reach us is at info@formatengineers.com , via our social media accounts (see buttons top right) or by telephone at +44(0)7979810890