Client: Community of LarkhallStructural Engineer: Format EngineersLocation: Bath, United Kingdom
Date: 2021-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTCTags: Steel, Timber, Bridge, Digital Design, Parametric Design, CNC
Lambrook Crossing
The Lam Brook stream crosses through the village of Larkhall on the eastern periphery of Bath, cutting off easy access to local amenities and a popular local public park. The community of Larkhall asked Format Engineers to carry out a feasibility study into a location for a new crossing and for ideas of its structure. The Lam Brook is prone to heavy flooding and hence options such as floating or movable bridges were considered and the Environment Agency engaged to establish an acceptable design direction.
The final proposal was for a simple but elegant elevated timber walkway suspended from two timber masts, a configuration which blended in with the neighbouring trees and which would have been practical and simple to build, minimising cost to the community.