Tay Haze (2024)

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Client: Lee Simmons
Artist: Lee Simmons
Location: Dundee, Scotland

Date: 2024-05-30 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
Tags: Steel, Art, Parametric Design, Geometry

Tay Haze

Tay Haze is a striking new work by artist Lee Simmons which looks out over the Tay Estuary in Dundee, Scotland.

The installation is of a human figure broken into a 87 stacked aluminium plates welded to two internal aluminium ‘spines’ which undulate as they rise in height. The artwork is 3.6m tall from the column base plate to its highest point and is approximately 1.2m by 0.4m on plan.

Our scope included collaboration with the artist from an early stage of the project, from looking at different options for the configuration of the structure which retained its light, ethereal nature, to the fabrication and delivery. Littlehampton Welding Ltd were the art contractors. The relatively simple structure belies the conservable effort which went into the modelling of environmental loads and the potential for public interaction.

All photos by Stephen Finn

Project Team

- Client, PM and Concept Designer: Lee Simmons
- Primary Structure Design and Engineering: Format Engineers
- Primary Structure Fabrication/Installation:  Littlehampton Welding Ltd